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Four knowledge institutions operate The Reef. Each has its own expertise and reaches different target groups, ranging from graduates to masters and lateral entrants.  

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Syntra West

With an emphasis on practical skills, Syntra West prepares professionals for the challenges of the sustainable energy sector. The lecturers are usually still working in the field themselves and bring their valuable expertise to the lessons.

Syntra West integrates The Reef into its wind turbine technician and marine coordinator courses, among others. In addition, Syntra West also plays a role in relevant projects that strengthen innovation in the education landscape.

Universiteit Gent

Ghent University is strongly committed to developing knowledge and research in the field of sustainable blue economy. Across the various faculties and departments, we have extensive expertise in marine and maritime applications. 

Ghent University deploys The Reef Digital Training Lab within existing courses such as the continuing education offshore wind energy course, but also seeks new collaborations in the context of national and international training and research projects.


Howest is a forerunner and innovator in game technology, cybersecurity, blockchain, AI and AR/VR/XR. ‘Anticipating the future’ is our leitmotif and driving force. In a world that is constantly changing, Howest consciously choo​ses not only to respond to the many social changes but, above all, to stay ahead of the trends and challenges of the future. 

Howest will anchor its training in cybersecurity (security), blockchain and AI in The Reef but also focuses heavily on VR and AR applications in the training lab.

Hogeschool VIVES

Lifelong learning is essential in a world that is constantly changing. With the help of the lab's infrastructure, Vives University of Applied Sciences brings a quality range of courses so that students, employees and companies can keep up with the technological innovations linked to the blue economy.

Vives will use The Reef's infrastructure primarily within its drone training courses, with a special focus on data analysis and processing. The facilities will continue to be used in research and educational technology.


The Reef is involved in several projects. Both expertise and infrastructure can be made available to projects. In the projects below, The Reef also plays a role. Contact the coordinator if you would like to involve The Reef in a project.


T-shore aims to address the challenges facing the offshore wind industry in Europe. This project develops training programmes, creates a training library and promotes European cooperation through Centres of Vocational Excellence (CoVEs). T-Shore aims to equip workers with the skills and competences they need to succeed in the industry.

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Offshore For Sure  

Renewable energy at sea will get a major boost in the coming years. Fifteen partners from Flanders and the Netherlands are combining their expertise in the Offshore For Sure project to test five promising energy solutions and increase their applicability in the energy system. The Reef is involved within the ‘training and education’ module.

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The Reef is a collaboration between:

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